
We take your safety seriously. It is our priority. We will always be your advocates and are here for you should you have any issues whatsoever. If you have any questions or issues you would like to discuss, never hesitate to approach us. We discuss safety at length during the orientation, and discuss safety tips with respect to transport, sexual harassment, and rental apartments. Throughout the semester we send out incident reports and safety warnings. We are up to date with regional issues, take all safety warnings from the local embassies seriously, and will take prompt action should the regional climate or situation in Morocco change. Rabat is overall a safe city with low crime rates, but students should take precautions as they would in any city. If you are in a situation where you feel your safety is compromised, call 19 as soon as you are physically able. They have operators who will be able to speak with you in English or Arabic or French. We also provide all students with the contact numbers of SOHARA staff during the orientation. We are on call 24 hours a day; you can contact us anytime should any incident arise.

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