Internships and Volunteering

Do you want to combine your study of the Arabic language with an internship? Then you’ve come to the right place. With SOHARA Marquez institute you can: Intern. Explore. Succeed. In a globalized world, living and interning abroad is a critical career maker. After completing SOHARA internship, your professional experience, skills, and confidence will help you and your résumé stand out. SOHARA Internships; full-time summer and semester internships guarantee you a placement in the field of your choice. To facilitate your involvement, SOHARA helps provide students with opportunities for hands-on, unpaid work experience in the areas of Social and Relief Services, Education, Business Administration, Marketing | IT | Social Media, Diplomacy, International Relations, Politics, Tourism, Media and Journalism, and Human rights, migrations and refugees and Development amongst others.

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